Site Meter On the Road in 2006 with Doug & Willie: SKP Co-Op "The Ranch", Lakewood, NM - Nov 11-?? On the Road in 2006 with Doug & Willie: SKP Co-Op "The Ranch", Lakewood, NM - Nov 11-??

Sunday, November 19, 2006


SKP Co-Op "The Ranch", Lakewood, NM - Nov 11-??

We're now parked on our newest co-op lot, #66 at The Ranch in Lakewood, which is little more than a post office between Artesia & Carlsbad. For those who don't know, The Ranch is one of 11 Escapee (SKP) Co-Op parks. These parks were built by Escapee members and govern themselves under the guidelines of the Escapees. Each park has its own rules and its own "flavor". Lots are owned by the co-op and leased to the members; members own any improvements made to the lot (like storage sheds), and can stay on "their" lot as little or as long as they like. An unusual "feature" at this park is that SKP member friends can stay on our lot (when we're not here of course!) free for up to a month per year, paying only for the electricity they use. At 8c per kwh, it's a real bargain!

The drive down here was made interesting by the profusion of grass seed in the area -- either spike grass or spider grass (we've heard it called both). The seeds were blowing across the highway like pale yellow snow, sometimes completely obscuring the road. When we got here, the lee-side of the clubhouse had a pile of grass seed probably ten feet high & thirty feet long beside it. Shifting winds have blown the huge piles away, but many still remain. Some days we could not get into our shed because the porch was completely filled. The next day they would blow away. They have a sharp spike on the end, which sticks into EVERYTHING, so you often have to hand remove them. They can also be slippery (think pine needles) on roads and pathways.

We used to have to drive to Carlsbad for any decent shopping, but Artesia is now home to FLETC -- the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center -- and is experiencing a major growth spurt. Unfortunately, we still have to drive to Carlsbad for bridge. They have reasonably priced duplicate games 4 times a week at the Senior Center (which we had to join for the whopping fee of $1 each for a month). We plan to play 2-3 times a week. It's a very pleasant & friendly group.

The cats are doing well. We got Rainbow a new collar, which suits her immensely, and she is quite proud of it and poses often. We are taking her to a vet this Wednesday to get her blood pressure checked -- that should be interesting. Amber seems to get even more vocal every day. She is either sleeping or meowing! She sleeps too much in the daytime, leaving her awake for meowing when we want to be sleeping -- but she's too old to train. Trixie, our "baby" who will be 12 years old this December, continues to be the mellow and most "normal" (is "normal cat" an oxymoron?) of the three. They are all quite happy to sleep in the sun puddles, especially if there are enough that they don't have to fight over them.

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